Rabu, 3 Ogos 2016

Napkin Folding, Folding Table Cloth And Overlay Table Cloth at restoran Baiduri in Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan, Johor Bahru.

A folded table-napkin is placed on the table for the guests' use and to contribute to the appearance of the cover and the whole dining environment. We also learn the way the napkin is presented depends on the type of establishment and the type of service.

Napkin Folding
This video contains 15 types of napkin folding which are:
1. Pleat
2. Bird of Paradise
3. Banana
4. Spanish Dancer
5. Candle
6. Tiara
7. Viking Hat
8. Rose Bud
9. Clown Hat
10. Five Star
11. Pucuk Rebung
12. Tent
13. Tengkolok
14. Bunga Lili
15. Fajar Menyingsing/Fan


- Check the table for steadiness: and position it for ease of access for service. Should the table be unstable it must be stabilized
- Stand centrally between two legs of the table.
-Position the folded cloth on the table with the two woven edges towards you and the two folds of the concertina facing away from you.
-Position the vertical centre crease in the centre of the table, holding the concertina fold.
-Learn across the table and release the bottom layer of the cloth to hang over the far edge of the table.
-Re-position the horizontal crease of the cloth in the centre of the table.
-Release the hold on the centre fold and draw the top fold towards you.
- Having centred the cloth both vertically and horizontally, the cloth should now be positioned with an equal drop all round, with the folds of the cloth covering the legs.

Folding tablecloth

1. Put the table cloth on the chair to prevent a tablecloth from touching the floor.
Grasp the two corners tablecloth and spread them.
2. Fold the tablecloth into two.
3. Again, fold the tablecloth to two.
4. Let go of one corner of the tablecloth.
5.Fold the tablecloth to form a W shape.
6.Put the tablecloth on the table.
Make sure the length of tablecloth balance on each side.
7. Fold each side to the middle of the tablecloth.
Make sure to leave at least a finger space between each side.

8. Again, fold each side to the centre of the tablecloth.
    And lastly, fold the tablecloth into two.
-We hope this video will help you understand how to folding tablecloth.



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